Marvel’s Avengers Assemble

Marvel’s Avengers Assemble

TV-Y7 Adventure 22 min

The further adventures of the Marvel Universe’s mightiest general membership superhero team. With an all-star roster consisting of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Hawkeye, Falcon and, occasionally–when she feels like it and only when she feels like it–Black Widow, the Avengers are a team in the truest sense. The Avengers save the world from the biggest threats imaginable–threats no single super hero could withstand.

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      1. Nenad Savić

        02/03/2023 at 09:27

        Zašto nema nijedne epizode posle 17e 4s

        • admin

          02/03/2023 at 20:39

          Dodali smo preostale epizode sezone 4

      2. Luka Medenica

        30/08/2024 at 10:57

        5. sezona ne moze da se pusti

        • admin

          02/09/2024 at 19:00

          Morate iskljuciti addblocker ili otvoriti u anonimnom prozoru

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